Elizabeth the Wolf: Profile

  • Full name: Elizabeth Driver  (‘Liz’). 
  • Species: Wolf.
  • Type: Speed.
  • Speciality: Martial Arts.
  • Power: Enhanced hearing.

 Elizabeth is a yellow wolf with purple eyes and a mark on her forehead that matches them. She wears a black and white short-sleeved bodysuit, black gloves and black boots with rings around the ankles.

 Elizabeth’s trained martial arts ever since she was little. Her father taught her and her younger sister since he wanted them to be able to protect themselves. She specializes in judo and jiu-jitsu, and even though she doesn’t like causing harm to others, her strength gives her advantage when it comes to melee combat. Her hearing sensitivity allows her to perceive sounds -that usually others don’t- and stay alert. She’s easily distracted and clumsy, so it is sometimes hard for her to go unnoticed.  
 Even though she seems laid-back, her determination and persistence allows her to get -almost- whatever she wants. A wanderer by nature, Elizabeth tends to be a loner, but she's always looking for company. She shows affection passionately to those around her, and gets easily attached to whoever shows some kindness to her. 

Elizabeth grew up in Barricade Town, with her dad and her little sister. A few years after her father and sister disappeared leaving no trace, the teenager decided to leave town and find her family. Many years passed, and Elizabeth, tired of looking for traces, has been slowly losing her way. Wandering around not knowing where to look or who to ask, one day she hears someone talk about a group of detectives known as ‘Chaotix’. As her last hope, she decides to look for them and see if they can help her reunite with her family.
